As a new writer, it's hard to get people interested in reading your work. Until you find a gathering of readers, it can feel like your words are being thrown into nothingness.
So when I saw this fella
getting a mention by and asking people to join his book launch club, my interest was peaked. As I start my second book, I'm seeking tips for a successful launch. Helping Matt is a brilliant way to watch someone else do it from the inside.I totally fluffed the marketing for my first book and paid the price for it. Everyone who reads it tells me it is brilliant, a really clear and advice packed method to help their anxious dogs - but it’s been a really slow burner for sales as nobody had heard of me!
I was disappointed because I had poured my heart and soul into creating something useful for people with anxious or challenging dogs. Anyone who knows me, knows my passion is in all things canine. I saw other dog writers being promoted and selling all over the place, and did not know what I was doing wrong.
Why I was a nobody when my advice is proven and good? I took it personally at first. A reflection of myself rather than of my non-existent marketing expertise. I struggle with imposter syndrome a lot, despite successfully helping thousands of dogs. The low sales really hurt.
I made the mistake of thinking that people would magically discover my work, read it, and consequently leave reviews and generate more sales. To a small extent they did, but I soon learned that for a new writer, we have to get our own names out there more.
Self-promotion is difficult and uncomfortable. Especially when you are told not to have a big head as a child. I was told by my mother that wanting to stay in and read books instead of playing out was “weird.” I was the “clever” one. Not the one people liked, or the funny one, or the pretty one. The boring one who stayed in and read.
Lots of feelings from the past raise up about stuff when you feel vulnerable. It's not simple to market yourself while handling those feelings.
But in true Fun Not Fear® style, I found ways around it and taught myself to feel better. With that in mind, please enjoy this ad for my first book:
With my second book, (which is about dogparents and practising self-care to be their best selves, so they can to help their dogs better,) I want to give it a better chance of hitting the ground bookshelf running.
So, to learn about the process, I asked to be added to the launch club.
Matt promptly welcomed me in, and communicated what he was hoping to achieve with the club, and sent a PDF of his book.
“Meeting People in Real Life: Your Guide to Easily Meet People and Make Genuine Connections for Friendship and Dating.”
As a contently coupled up person, with friends, who meets 121 dog behaviour clients continuously, I was not expecting to learn much from the book; I was just in it for the launch club experience.
However, I was surprised to find that Matt's book contains some brilliant advice that I will take on board. Using characters such as Spiderman to explain why we don’t like needy people is just one of the genius concepts that Matt expertly explains. There are a few individuals I know who could really use Matt's guide to feel more comfortable around new people. It really could change lives.
If I had not joined the launch club, there is every chance I would have skimmed straight past the book, assuming it was not for me. So the launch club worked, as it put me in a mind to read it anyway. I liked the book. And now I am talking about it to you.
What a marvellously simple concept, that requires no advertising spend, just a leap of faith in one’s own writing and a few people who are willing to give you a shot.
I’m slowly setting up a “Friends of MMC” community for paid subscribers. I want to create a space where we can all laugh together and support one another, without the usual toxicity of social media. The MMC chat is already open to friends members, and I will soon be producing content for the upcoming exclusive friends section too.
I’d love it if you would either subscribe to our free newsletter or consider becoming a friend by upgrading your subscription!
This is so cool, Freya and Matt! I love that you are now collaborating on Matt’s book launch club and I had a laugh when you mentioned that you didn’t expect much from it bit you were then positively surprised :)
I definitely suggest you read the ebook I sent you re self-publishing. It’s a lot of things I wish I had known when I published my first book.
Can’t wait to see you create your own book launch club next!